Action to take

To request a refund/replacement please contact Glader Confectionery within 24 hours from the date you received the order.

Please email your order number, name and address, description  of item returning and specify your concern to

We will not refund/replace your order if incorrect or the details provided are insufficient. If you can send an image of the actual items received.

If you received a product that you believe is not what you expected or is faulty, we may only replace the item or refund you at our discretion.

It will be your responsibility to return the item to Glader Confectionery to Unit 11, 30 Shipley Drive, Rutherford NSW 2320 within 7 days in its original packaging, undamaged condition.

All refunds or replacements will be subject to Glader Confectionery approval and limited to our discretion.

Action we take

On receipt of the returned product, Glader Confectionery will acknowledge this to you via email.

Glader Confectionery will contact you either by email or phone to provide the best possible resolution.

Not refundable /replaceable.

Due to strict food handling policy, we are unable to receive returns unless it is a Product Fault, so please ensure you choose your item correctly.

Glader Confectionery’s diligent product rotation policy ensures only the freshest products.  If a product is returned to us, we cannot ensure that it is safe for future consumption – therefore we are prohibited from re-selling.

Products lost or damaged do not count as a faulty product.

DISCLAIMER: Due to products being manufactured or handmade, Actual Weights and appearance may very slightly.